Fire Dept. Push-in Ceremony for New Engine 2

Fire Dept. Push-in Ceremony for New Engine 2

Panama City, FL- The Callaway Fire Department will be holding a traditional Push-In Ceremony to welcome their newest fire engine, Engine 2, on Thursday, August 24 at 9:00 AM. The event will take place at the Callaway Fire Station located at 252 N Star Ave and is open to the public.

A Push-In Ceremony is a long-standing tradition in the fire service whenever a new apparatus is put into service. It dates back to the 1800s when fire engines were pulled by horses and pushed by hand into the station. While today’s modern engines drive themselves, firefighters continue the century-old tradition for its symbolic meaning.

The Push-In Ceremony in Callaway will involve the firefighters gathering to push Engine 2 backwards into the station bay. This act represents the hard work and dedication of the firefighters pushing the engine into service to protect the community. Once inside the station, a chaplain will bless Engine 2 to keep all firefighters safe.

Afterward, the firefighters will push Engine 2 back out of the station to symbolize the beginning of its service. The public is invited to attend the ceremony and see Engine 2 up close after the proceedings. Children can sit in the driver’s seat and photos can be taken with the new apparatus.

The Callaway Fire Department is eager to debut their new engine, which will allow firefighters to respond to emergencies in the area more efficiently. The Push-In Ceremony is a memorable experience for the department and community to welcome Engine 2 before it officially goes into service. Residents of Callaway are encouraged to attend the traditional event and show their support for the local firefighters.

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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